Mandy Ram

"My whole life changed trajectory from my first encounter with EMP. From timid personality to adventurer, which I never thought was possible!" ~ Mandy Ram

At the beginning of 2016, I felt an inner desire to do something creative, but I didn't know what to do as I thought I had no creative talent. The most creative thing I was doing at the time was using different colours to categorise my inbox at work. I had done some photography and music in the past, but nothing like drawing.

I saw EMP advertised and remembered meeting someone who had done the course and thought it amazing.I went straight to the website, saw the before-and-afters, and thought, "This is it. If this course can't help me, I’m doomed to a life without creativity”

I was definitely a 'stick-man' drawer. When the woman sitting next to me at the Free Introductory Workshop saw my effort, she quickly looked away, muttering, "Oh." Very rude.

In the first few sessions of the course, I messed up the exercises. Being determined not to give up and to give everything I had, I did them all again at home. Each one turned out to be a success! I was so surprised by my progress.

The biggest breakthrough for me came in the ink session. I had no idea what I was doing; it looked like nothing, and I was so upset about making such a mess. Then, when I saw my work from a distance, it was like magic! As Jan said, this exercise is perfect for practising having no idea what you’re doing and not worrying about that, and "Everything will be OK!"
And it was!

After the last session of Draw Your Way To Creativity, I approached Jan in the car park and made a strong offer of my help with anything that was needed. Thankfully, she accepted my offer.

That was in 2016.

After completing all the EMP courses back-to-back, I began helping create a facilitator's manual in 2017 and, in 2018, emerged as a fully trained facilitator, working alongside Jan. It has been an amazing experience to follow people on the same journey I was on and to guide them through their own personal transformation.

I’ve seen
- people who were stand-offish turned into huggers
- faces lined with years of hard thoughts suddenly melting into smiles, laughter and awe at their own achievements and
- so many happy tears when seeing the talent that someone in their lives
had told them they didn't have, start shining through right before them.

[What a participant had to say ... "I was hoping to increase brain capacity where most needed. What did I take away? What I now SEE is something that I didn't before. And huge delight. The teacher, Jan, and her assistant, Mandy, are unlike any I have had in my life before. Their attitude & creativity SO relaxed." ~ Luce H., 70+ y.o.]

During Draw Your Way to Creativity, I began questioning other beliefs I had in life. If I had told myself my whole life that I couldn't draw, and now I could, what else was I wrong about?

One such belief was that 'riding motorcycles is dangerous'. Even though I had never had a negative experience, I was afraid of them. I decided to question that belief and got on the back of my partner’s bike. It was so much fun! After a few outings, I got my L's, and in a few months had my license and my very own bike! Amazing!

My whole life changed trajectory from my first encounter with EMP. Not only did I continue my artistic adventure—doing a commissioned portrait drawing within one year of completing Draw Your Way to Creativity, and venturing into acrylic painting, and selling a dozen paintings— I also embarked on a solo journey to America to attend a personal development workshop. A break through more limiting beliefs I held at the time!

In my full-time employment, the Extraordinary Mind Project has helped me no longer fear making mistakes. I am able to come up with creative solutions to problems. It has taught me to question my own beliefs, and I have gone from a timid personality to one where I am confident, not afraid for my voice to be heard, and even a leader of a team, which I never thought was possible ."

[Stunning work, Mandy!! And thank you so much for your huge and ongoing contribution to the Extraordinary Mind Project's mission - we're starting a creativity uprising! Jan Cross.]

Narelle is a multi award-winning artist with a Bachelor of Arts and a background in education. See more about Narelle and her art on her Facebook page Narelle Manser-Smith Artist.

Unlock hidden creativity and creative FLOW state and change what is possible for you to DO and BE. It is a paradigm shifting experience.

This is a NEW, Brain-Aware approach for changing what your brain can do for you!
© Extraordinary Mind Project &  Jan Cross 2020
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